is a modular housing manufacturer first and foremost staffing in house designers for multi-unit buildings, single family homes, and small or tiny homes. In most cases we will acquire the land and truck the homes and construct them on site.
is a modular housing manufacturer first and foremost staffing in house designers for multi-unit buildings, single family homes, and small or tiny homes. In most cases we will acquire the land and truck the homes and construct them on site.
In some communities we will present to buyers specific housing styles along with particular upgrades and after choosing we will fabricate and ship from factory to selected site.
We also will participate with state and local housing partners to design and build the best and low cost structures affordable to the most needy.
OUR mission is to provide both purchasing and credit counseling to persons who anticipate becoming owners but have scant or no knowledge of the basic obligations and minimum requirements that flows with home ownership and maintenance.
In order for new buyers to be successful embarking on home ownership, knowing the steps involved, the obligations required must be fully understood in order for us to attain mutual success.
Buying a home is considered to be the most important acquisition one will make in a lifetime, therefore knowing the various options to finance this purchase is paramount. We will go over the types of mortgages, loans, and acquaint them with housing agencies such as FHA, National Housing Alliance, and other agencies that are available to assist with down payment, closing costs, and other incidentals with purchasing real estate.
Each person is bringing a unique profile and we will match them with the proper lender, agency and organization to assist in their overall insight for buying.